關於laughed發音的評價, 翻譯: Tony Tsou
又好糗又好臭又好笑(台語發音)啊~😂 原文:So I was just in the men's room pissing and dude in the stall had explosive d...
又好糗又好臭又好笑(台語發音)啊~😂 原文:So I was just in the men's room pissing and dude in the stall had explosive d...
偽ABC英文鑑定 學外語發音,最難的其實是因矯枉過正引起的發音問題。痛下苦功練好某發音,卻將本...
柏柏爾人與撒哈拉 Berbers and the Sahara (This post is bili...