關於opaque的評價, Dior
Let models Oudey Egone, Giselle Norman and Estelle Chen take you on a tour of a truly singular show ...
Let models Oudey Egone, Giselle Norman and Estelle Chen take you on a tour of a truly singular show ...
本來打定主意這次回台南一定要吃到新阿裕的,結果⋯排的人山人海,連等都不用等,店家直接說肉賣完了明日請早⋯😂😂😂😂😂 只好轉戰Costco去吹冷氣了⋯ 剛好順手又幫旺財買了TOMICA的車車套裝&小褲...
Introducing Tiffany’s Diamond Source Initiative: a significant step for diamond transparency. In kee...
#國際戰線【黑警買新車揭海外採購灰色地帶!遊說國際禁運擴大至所有政府名義採購】 Joshua W...
Internationally renowned choreographer Sharon Eyal...
The transformation of the Galerie des Glaces in th...
Done exclusively with my signature COPIC set. Lin...
Introducing Tiffany’s Diamond Source Initiative: a...
Enter the Galerie des Glaces at the Château de Ver...
呢隻COPIC Opaque White,可能係我用過最實色遮蓋力最強嘅白油。佢本身好似指甲油咁個蓋...