關於prescient的評價, Dior
The tarot inspiration of the Spring-Summer 2021 Haute Couture collection on.dior.com/couture-ss21 ha...
The tarot inspiration of the Spring-Summer 2021 Haute Couture collection on.dior.com/couture-ss21 ha...
★ 【6/19 GRE免費高分密技分享】台灣的天氣嚴酷還是底下這70組高頻機經GRE搭配用詞殘酷?...
Here is a passionate and prescient essay on the f...
這幾天都在享受美食嗎? 有沒有想過, 食物的背後也有科學呢? 為什麼飛機✈️上的食物感覺比較不好吃...
pre-,有先、在前之意。 . prescient 預知的、有先見的 (a.) ➡️ 預先 (pre...
STRANGE AND BRILLIANT LIGHT 💕💥💥💕 Out July 22 with ...
Frightening & prescient visions of nightmare futu...
creative (adj.) 有創意的 E.g. Creative thinking is the...
This town, is coming like a ghost town Why must ...
With each new and carefully conducted negative tr...