關於scapula anatomy的評價, Carol Yeung Yoga
今次既頭倒立工作坊 會再仔細地講解 scapula, tailbone, hamstrings, physical strength and pain free in a long-hold head...
今次既頭倒立工作坊 會再仔細地講解 scapula, tailbone, hamstrings, physical strength and pain free in a long-hold head...
呢張Headstand相無限loop 😛 Easter headstand workshop黎啦:)...
#關於肩胛骨 有上過我基礎課或倒立課的同學一定對肩胛骨的練習不陌生,我都會說你的手臂的連結從肩胛...
#關於肩胛骨 有上過我基礎課或倒立課的同學一定對肩胛骨的練習不陌生,我都會說你的手臂的連結從肩胛骨出...
My remarks Yoga Postures Stabilize The Shoulder...
My remarks Yoga Postures Stabilize The Shoulder...
About winged scapula (翼狀肩胛) 很喜歡這個作者,他的網站跟書都非常棒。...
Hell yes! Come meet me!!!!!!! Finally the workshop...
『Hip Flexor Drill and anatomy 』 ✔️髖屈肌肉群是一組強而有力的...