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關於vidal的評價, 王梓軒 Jonathan Wong Chee-hynn

不經不覺, #CROSSING源樂 演唱會原來已經進入最後17日倒數喇! 之前同 Janice Vidal 衛蘭 唱情歌幫大家療傷 遲啲又會再唱Gospel幫大家打氣💪🏼 今日就當係個小預演啦🙌🏼 (...

關於vidal sassoon的評價, King Jer 娛樂台

【Jeremy首個solo廣告獲大讚:「佢識發光!」#個吸血魔王造型🧛🏻#好正呀我死了🤤】 如果Jeremy嘅星途係場球賽,一開波佢唔係最stand out嗰個,仲要一路打逆境波。不過Jeremy默...

不經不覺, #CROSSING源樂 演唱會原來已經進入最後17日倒數喇! 之前同 Janice Vidal 衛蘭 唱情歌幫大家療傷 遲啲又會再唱Gospel幫大家打氣💪🏼 今日就當係個小預演啦🙌🏼 (特別鳴謝彈琴嘅 何紫慧CherryHo ) A few years ago, I had the pleasure of collaborating with on a mashup of @justinbieber’s Love Yourself and @charlieputh’s One Call Away hoping to spread a little love😘 A few years later, we’re getting ready to take the stage again at《CROSSING 源•樂》, but this time with some Gospel music for the soul 🌄 This one’s a little throwback for y’all to get warmed up😬 #jwomusic #jwocrossing #CROSSING源樂 OMF Music Inc Limited

不經不覺, #CROSSING源樂 演唱會原來已經進入最後17日倒數喇! 之前同 Janice Vi...


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