外交系英文 在 美夢成真!拿到13 萬獎學金~我要去波蘭了!! Dream come true~ Got the scholarship.I'm going to Poland!!(中英/English speak) 的影片資訊
I have been working hard to prepare for this dream since I was a child. Finally! The dream came true...
I have been working hard to prepare for this dream since I was a child. Finally! The dream came true...
【6/14(三)】雲端最前線第123集 主題: 19大前!習近平出重手 「親中愛台」行不通 蔡英文決定硬起來 來賓: 民進黨副秘書長 徐佳青 政大外交系主任 劉德海 兩...