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ABC英文 學習英文字彙121 (Expand your English words 121) You can learn English words and sentences days by da...
ABC英文 學習英文字彙121 (Expand your English words 121) You can learn English words and sentences days by da...
ABC英文 學習英文字彙120 (Expand your English words 120) You can learn English words and sentences days by da...
ABC英文 學習英文字彙119 (Expand your English words 119) You can learn English words and sentences days by da...
ABC英文 學習英文字彙118 (Expand your English words 118) You can learn English words and sentences days by da...
ABC英文 學習英文字彙117 (Expand your English words 117) You can learn English words and sentences days by da...
ABC英文 學習英文字彙108 (Expand your English words 108) You can learn English words and sentences days by da...
iTunes: Spotify: KKBox: Music...
iTunes: KKBox: Spotify: Music...
農曆九月初十九,就是普天下皆知的南無觀世音菩薩的出家日。其實並非佛教徒,凡是有華人的地方都曉得這尊大菩薩,甚至連外國人都懂,因爲祂的大慈大悲真的很攝人的心,也是我們學佛之人理應仿效的一個真諦。 提到...
Part 1 講到原來 Jerald 係 Mr. 搵佢之前已經好想同佢地合作,只係等一個機緣巧合既機會。 今次就由佢地講下雙面人既Concept 同埋火花。副歌除左Alan 唱之外外,點解會所有人一...