bladerunner 在 🕊️遺片🕊️銀翼殺手:讓你懷疑人生的科幻神片|深度解析片中3大哲學|存在先於本質|他人即地獄|自由的詛咒|人生遺片清單Vol.30|留言抽哲學好書 的影片資訊
🔥比駭客任務更早顛覆想像的科幻神片重新上映,快來看另類深度解析! 🔥片中暗藏三大『存在主義』理論,看完你就是哲學家了! 🔥存在先於本質是啥?他人怎麼會是地獄?自由是個詛咒?新影片解析三位主角的真面目!...
🔥比駭客任務更早顛覆想像的科幻神片重新上映,快來看另類深度解析! 🔥片中暗藏三大『存在主義』理論,看完你就是哲學家了! 🔥存在先於本質是啥?他人怎麼會是地獄?自由是個詛咒?新影片解析三位主角的真面目!...
Since my earlier blogpost (, comes the official announcement of item release ...
UWDUCT Creative Crew HP Twitter @uwduct Instagram @uwductcrew ----...
Hey internet, it's Daisy! Here is A Quick, Soft Makeup Look For Your Visual Pleasure using all Ess...
Hey internet, it's Daisy! AMPM Studio has moved locations and this is footage from last weekend's ...
This is collaboration music video with art installation ”Karaoke with Artificial life" that Emi Kusa...
2018 奧斯卡得獎影片介紹!恭喜水底情深奪下最佳影片呀! --------------------------------- 章節選擇: 0:10 正片開始 0:34 先前已介紹影片 1:09 ...
Saw the new Bladerunner and felt inspired to make something with lush synth sounds. Tell me what yo...
AJ 影評:銀翼殺手2049 Blade Runner 2049 (2017) 大大劇透,請斟酌觀賞! 真的好喜歡Joi 喔~ --------------------------------- 章...