Easy appetiser can be made at home if you like capelins...! 日式版本嘅多春魚, 一個好容易係屋企做到嘅前菜 Ingredients: C...
This is a new and trendy snack in VN, very addicting. It’s a great drinking food, or to serve with r...
This is cooked similar to Japanese shabu-shabu (aka fondue), though it’s made into spring rolls. It’...
Youtube 訂閱響鈴: Facebook 按讚追蹤: https://www.fa...
上郵輪之前喺上海留咗兩日。嗰度有一間專食湖南菜嘅餐廳叫滴水洞,今集就整佢哋一個好出名嘅餸。 We stayed in Shanghai, China for a few days prior to ...
呢個餸大家都知,唔洗多介紹喇。同埋有一樣嘢煩擾咗我好耐,好想問吓大陸嘅網友。 Another dish I learned while I was in Thailand. This is prob...
新一年,整一個連登仔同外國網友都想我煮嘅湯。 Happy New Year everyone! First video of the year will be Tom Kha Gai (Coconu...
Bánh mì (/ˈbæn ˌmiː/; Vietnamese pronunciation: [ɓǎɲ mî]) is a Vietnamese term for all kinds of brea...