come and see 在 Kiss Your Eyes!白目樂隊首張專輯,2010年9月正式發行 的影片資訊
白目樂隊首張正式專輯《Kiss Your Eyes》 2008年海洋大賞得主,以最強悍,性感,暴力的現場表現著稱 The White Eyes白目樂隊首張正式專輯 遠赴北京錄音,紐約Sterli...
白目樂隊首張正式專輯《Kiss Your Eyes》 2008年海洋大賞得主,以最強悍,性感,暴力的現場表現著稱 The White Eyes白目樂隊首張正式專輯 遠赴北京錄音,紐約Sterli...
我的英文發音課程 ▶ 然後記得按讚+訂閱 xD ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 訂閱連結 ▶ FB ▶ https:/...
Hello ^.^ Long time no hair tutorial! Sorry it's been a while guys! I was inspired to create this...
Hey everybody ^_^ Hope you are well. Here are my favorites of the month of July. Most of them are...
vocal: 艾青 backing vocal: 阿惠 guitar: WhyN bass: 李恩瀚 drums: 陳冠毅 一首我很愛的老歌,原唱是Fleewood Mac 我改的版本是the Co...
Quite a few people have asked me what my apartment / flat looks like inside, so I thought I'd give y...
Hey guys, This is a fav products of the month/summer essentials video where I talk about products...
孫とハスキー達の朝の風景 facebook Google+ 登録ありが...
Story 咖啡的香郁、愛情的甜美、巴黎的浪漫 相識、相戀、相愛的過程, 就如同一杯濃醇咖啡的精雕細琢, 穿越巴黎市區的浪漫, 從咖啡豆到精緻粉末, 由滾水熱燙到綿密奶泡, 這是咖啡...
What I like most about Holland is that when you step out of the city you come across allot of nature...