family cartoon 在 桃の節句「クレヨンしんちゃんのひな祭り弁当」を食べるRino&Yuuma 的影片資訊
2014年3月3日/Y:2歳4ヶ月/R:4歳9ヶ月 Because it was Hinamatsuri(Doll's Festival), the mom arranged a character ...
2014年3月3日/Y:2歳4ヶ月/R:4歳9ヶ月 Because it was Hinamatsuri(Doll's Festival), the mom arranged a character ...
2013年11月12日/Y:2歳0ヶ月/R:4歳5ヶ月 He sings "Ookinakuri-no-kinositade(Under the spreading chestnut tree)" o...
This is the restaurant for the new Springfield area in Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida. I hope ...
2013年9月10日/Y:1歳10ヶ月/R:4歳3ヶ月 This is the video which can confirm whether he understands our words. He...
2013年8月3日/1歳10ヶ月 Yuuma tried the training of words with dad hard :) Therefore dad asked 'Do you watc...
2013年6月6日/Y:1歳7ヶ月/R:4歳0ヶ月 Yuuma has begun to be interested in the belonging of Rino. He takes someth...
2013年4月17「日/1歳5ヶ月 Dad teaches him words of "Oishii(yummy)" on that day. However, Yuuma is crazy abou...
2013年3月17日/1歳4ヶ月 Yuuma became able to say Anpan-man. But he tends to answer it that anything is Anpa...
2013年3月12日/Y:1歳4ヶ月/R:3歳9ヶ月 Rino wants to see an animated cartoon of Anpan-Man and acts selfish. Howe...
A cover of the song Dumb Ways to Die :D!! It's a really catchy song and it's soooo cute~ !! My voice...