jordan basketball player 在 『NBA』🏀一位國王永遠不會離開他的王國|刺客般的射手【Reggie Miller】(Johnny聊NBA) 的影片資訊
For English: 我個人是因為Reggie Miller而看NBA的,國中時也買了人生第一本球員自傳的書,也就是Reggie Mille...
For English: 我個人是因為Reggie Miller而看NBA的,國中時也買了人生第一本球員自傳的書,也就是Reggie Mille...
布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)、鄧肯(Tim Duncan)與賈奈特(Kevin Garnett)都於2016年高掛球鞋,今年首次獲得入選資格就在投票後過關,確定在名人堂擁有一席之地。這3人生涯加起...
The fans of Philadelphia have always been a passionate bunch. They have always appreciated the super...
Julius Erving, the great and wondrous "Dr. J," was the dominant player of his era, an innovator who ...
Fadeaway 是最多人想看的Topic, 今次指攝時因膝蓋移位,以及右手手腕拉傷,所以影響了表現。Fadeaway 並不需要大幅度向後跳,建議是向上跳,身體向後仰,才會有力量射球,今次教了兩個Fa...
It was modern urban life's answer to a movie premiere, complete with hulking black SUVs, gawkers and...
Trey Burke won’t admit the braided hair is a tribute to his idol, Hall of Famer Allen Iverson. The K...
The 1999 NBA season was the 53rd season of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Due to a locko...
有人輸左決定做變性手術!今集問題係「沙頭角米高佐敦之稱既伍仔,偽娘界三井壽晞哥,密室界王浩信Zaki」,究竟邊個要切? 伍仔(ig:fiveson5)
pennyccwai Check out Allen Iverson’s milestones throughout his career from his first points in Phil...