praise the sun 在 [Bloodborne] Char vs Mergo's Wet Nurse Boss 梅高的奶媽 血源詛咒 玩曉玲 的影片資訊
LV60 雙手斧 小心翼翼 打贏奶媽 破關啦 Char hits slowly with 23 STR, this is the END! Char vs Mergo's Wet Nurse - Te...
LV60 雙手斧 小心翼翼 打贏奶媽 破關啦 Char hits slowly with 23 STR, this is the END! Char vs Mergo's Wet Nurse - Te...
根本躲貓貓王..搞懂怎麼追他的時間比打他多 Char spent more time playing hide-n-seek with Micolash, Host of the Nightmare....
曉玲狂砍重生古神 只用了5個血瓶 LV53 Char uses 5 vials against The One Reborn. Must avoid his AOE. 記得要閃範圍技 搖鈴不要全殺 無...
曉玲終於滾贏愚笨的蜘蛛了. LV 48. Char finally kills Spidey after dozens of trials.. DODGE more than HIT, testing...
曉玲初見大狗狗 渴血獸, 泥好, 掰掰. Char kills the beast on 1st try. 楽勝、楽勝~ Cosplay Dorothy Char vs Blood-Starved B...
曉玲唱了聲樂找尋老奶奶 她好拖戲 Char's vocal performance before heading for the hidden witch is the highlight. :p C...
為主教禱告有用喔. "怎麼死了, 不是說會治癒?!", 曉玲不可置信的說. She heard our prayer. We never got to see her healing.. "huh? ...
グランド・セフト・オート5(GRAND THEFT AUTO V)のストーリーミッションプレイ動画です。 ストーリーミッション: 誰かヨガって言いました?(Did Somebody Say Yoga...