rosegold 在 零公關品!全臉用自己買的彩妝上妝~買到很多好東西嘿嘿🥳 的影片資訊
當了YOUTUBER之後難免會收到公關品.. 發現竟然越來越難全臉都用自己買的產品😳 喜歡用的就是會忍不住用 今天來挑戰紀念一下!! 全臉零公關品的妝容🤣 有很多好東西唷~~ 🧡請關注我的IG 🧡...
當了YOUTUBER之後難免會收到公關品.. 發現竟然越來越難全臉都用自己買的產品😳 喜歡用的就是會忍不住用 今天來挑戰紀念一下!! 全臉零公關品的妝容🤣 有很多好東西唷~~ 🧡請關注我的IG 🧡...
都忘了跟大家介紹我買很多次的網站Selfridges 這次買了幾樣第一次嘗試的熱門彩妝 找大家一起開箱😚 真的如傳聞那麼讚讚嗎?好像有點還好🤣 🧡請關注我的IG 🧡 有抽獎/圖文/最新消息唷! y...
If charm bracelets are your thing, this is one piece not to be missed. With individual diamond cut b...
Rose gold lovers would love to own this beautiful piece. Simple elegance for everyday styles. Produ...
Double rows, double the style, double the fancy! Stack them, layer them, wear them on their own. Ou...
いつもご視聴いただきましてありがとうございます(*´∇`)ノ ☆ 今回は大人も使えるGRL購入品です! DWの大人っぽくておしゃれな時計とリングも普段使いしやすいのでおすすめです♡ どれも可愛いので是...
This beautiful ring has three rows of diamonds giving the illusion of a stacked ring. It has spring ...
Majestic beauty! This ring is inspired by the freshness of spring. Diamonds line the petals of the f...
If you love diamonds, this bangle will speak to you. Lined with four rows of diamonds, the inspirati...
Majestic beauty! That's how we'd describe this gold bracelet inspired by the freshness of spring. D...