scientist coldplay 在 The Scientist - Coldplay Cover 的影片資訊
singing for you all the way from across the world :p I hope you enjoy it x...
singing for you all the way from across the world :p I hope you enjoy it x...
請 Like Facebook Fanpage: The Scientist - Coldplay Com...
染了頭髮表示高興~藉此分享一下最近喜歡的妝髮 內附塗眼睫毛足本秘訣!! 另外頭髮顏色是grey tone ombre(dyed by @jerry_chairone ) ------------...
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5/20 來聽我的演唱會當個科學家 ♬ 訂閱艾怡良頻道 ➔ 按讚艾怡良FB ➔ http://bit....
#coldplay #thescientists #翻唱 中英歌詞: Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry 我來了只為告訴妳 我很抱歉 You don'...
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Coldplay - The Scientist - cover by Kimman Wong 黃劍文 & Andrew Masutti...
im collaborating with @annjfr (instagram) for her video, that should be up soon yeha social : inst...