travel blog example 在 【今天只學一個字】Algorithm - 為什麼我總在Facebook看見和自己立場相若的內容? 的影片資訊
Example sentence: We will see more of what we want to see on Facebook. This is just how the algorith...
Example sentence: We will see more of what we want to see on Facebook. This is just how the algorith...
取材片段: I: Will you look right into the camera lens and explain the princ...
Meal prep recipe: Found some articles with more in...
"Make" 跟 "do" 也是很常用的字,這一集來談談用 "make" 的一些情況吧,或者也有你意想不到的用法! 上一集:"Do" 字又可以怎樣用?►
"Do" 字在英文裏是個很常用的字,這個影片中我針對 "do" 的一些用法造句,舉些短語作例子。你知道 "do" 字可以這樣用嗎? 1. Do an exam / Do a test - I'm d...
#augsburgstadt #stulrichundafra #germany Here's a short v-log of my visit to the Catholic parish in...