QQ正準備寫一本非主流的臺北旅遊書...所有收益將拿來幫助老人家....請多多支持^^ Music: Finally Found ---Late Night Alumni Please ...
I've arrived back in Hong Kong on my way back to Shenzhen, and there was a surprise waiting for me....
Now it's time to head back... these are the plans...
There's something about that special time.. when the beer and the food are just right.. the waitress...
Well.. time for lunch and a beer... and did I find the right place!...
Well, I pretty much went through the whole of Taipei from one side to the other.. now it's time to t...
finally... I had to settle...
Some of the downhill mountain riding to be expected... pity I missed the more interesting part... bu...
Without a doubt... this is the place to drink a beer......