vancouver time to taiwan time 在 【Ariel悄悄對你說 | Ariel‘s Whisper】EP16: 如果我當了藥師會是如何呢? 加拿大藥師閨蜜來解答 Did I Regret Not Being a Pharmacist? 的影片資訊
BILINGUAL: 中文 CHINESE 00:00|英文 ENGLISH 38:19 Podcast每週四10點一集 👉
BILINGUAL: 中文 CHINESE 00:00|英文 ENGLISH 38:19 Podcast每週四10點一集 👉
Hi, I am Keith, a hair stylist who dreamed big. - Subscribe now - This was...
Yes, the time has come for me to leave Japan. BUT, I am not going back to Canada. We are starting a ...
Are there different types of Chinese people? There certainly is and there are distinct differences b...
哈囉大家好久不見!! 今天一口氣要來跟大家分享兩個眼影盤(我知道他們紅好一陣子了,但Yes, Please!真的好難搶啊~~~) 影片有點長所以我把他分成上下兩集喔❤️上下集各一個妝容:) Hey...
距離上一次的Beauty Tips好像有一年多了~~ 不過接下來我會盡可能的穩定發影片給大家❤️ 這次是跟髮色有關的影片! 用了這個方法後我的灰色調一般都可以維持到三個月喔! It's had be...