vulnerability 在 【Ariel悄悄對你說 | Ariel‘s Whisper】EP11: 擁抱自卑, 坦然展現真實, 讓脆弱展現力量, 你就能更強大! The Power of Vulnerability 的影片資訊
BILINGUAL: 中文 CHINESE 00:00|英文 ENGLISH 20:29 Podcast每週四10點一集 👉
BILINGUAL: 中文 CHINESE 00:00|英文 ENGLISH 20:29 Podcast每週四10點一集 👉
I had a lovely afternoon cooking whilst catching up with you guys. It's a bit of a lengthy one so if...
I am so excited to talk to the wonderful Lina Vasquez today! Lina and I realised we have a lot in co...
這幾個月來,我來慢慢發現飲食失調背後真正的原因,同時也注意到我以前身體、心理上都有一些明顯的症狀,想和大家分享我自己的經驗、觀察,還有想法。 希望這支影片中的分享會幫助到一些人,也希望大家可以開始打...
#遇見Ariel 直播開始了!! ✨ #K歌之夜 [扛得住] [雨季] [怎麼了] [有一種悲傷] ★今日正式公佈★ 1/16 是我的生日音樂會🎉 這次是小型的,跟你們近距離慶生唱歌🥰 位子很有限,...
擁有20年 #BDSM 經驗嘅Tommy仔用7分鐘分享點樣佢咁欣賞BDSM世界呢? 學者Brené Brown研究發現人同人之間嘅連繫其中一個關鍵係叫 vulnerability即係 #脆弱。 顯示脆...
参考サイト↓ ◎SIM太郎/【注意】Qualcomm、Snapdragonに重大な欠陥、およそ10億台のスマホにデータ盗難の危険性
Fishtank proudly presents Robynn Yip! We've been following her and working with her since her "Robyn...
Fishtank proudly presents Robynn Yip! We've been following her and working with her since her "Robyn...
Fishtank proudly presents Robynn Yip! We've been following her and working with her since her "Robyn...