【#渣馬2021 #賽事延期】
#一起我們跑更遠 #齊心抗疫 #集氣 #健康最緊要 #延期跑總好過無得跑 #約定您擇日再跑 #迎難而上 #重新搵日子好傷腦筋 #春天定秋天跑比較好 #在家起跑
【Postponement of #SCHKM2021】
While all of us are looking forward to our next race, public health and safety is always our priority. Due to the uncertainty around COVID-19, the organiser has decided to postpone the Standard Chartered HK Marathon originally scheduled on 24 January 2021 (Sunday). We’re proactively working with relevant parties to determine alternate date for the next race and keep an eye on the pandemic development. Thank you for your continued support, stay tuned for further updates!
#FightTheVirus #StayHealthy #BetterLateThanNever #SeeYouNextYear #ReschedulingDilemma #SpringVSFall #StayHomeStayFit