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drs分析 在 中央研究院 Academia Sinica Facebook 的最讚貼文
‼本院最新研究:臺灣有一半以上的肺癌病患並不吸菸,超過 9 成得肺癌的女性也都不抽菸,與 #體內酵素突變 大有關係,而且近十年有年輕化的趨勢,研究成果發表在🌏國際期刊《細胞》《Cell》上,並榮登本期封面‼
本院化學所陳玉如特聘研究員、臺大醫學院內科教授楊泮池(本院院士)與跨單位研究團隊以 #蛋白基因體技術 建立東亞第一套結合深度多體學大數據及完整臨床資料,深度解析 #不吸菸肺癌患者 可能的致病機制,研究有三個重要發現⭐⭐⭐
✅肺癌與人體內酵素APOBEC 突變特徵的高低有關
罹肺癌患者中,74%從未吸菸年輕女性(小於60歲)和所有無肺癌表皮生長因子受體(EGFR) 突變的女性患者的APOBEC突變特徵程度較高,可能為女性早期肺癌的驅動因素,可能成為早期診斷和免疫治療的潛在生物標誌物。
臺灣肺癌患者在EGFR基因上會發生Del19和L858R二種突變,若發生L858R突變,存活率較低。此次將肺腺癌分為五個亞型,其中有一個從未被發現的「類晚期」亞型的早期肺癌。此亞型可區分二種突變的的 #惡性特徵 差異。因此,臨床醫師未來有機會可藉判斷有無此類惡性特徵,發現早期肺癌患者,提供密集觀察和選擇適合佐劑加以治療。
此次成果為臺美合作「癌症登月計畫」的重要里程碑,是美國臨床蛋白基因體學腫瘤分析聯盟(CPTAC)#首次 和國際聯盟團隊(臺灣)攜手合作發表研究成果。透過跨國族群癌症病人的大數據分享及比較,可更精確探討亞洲非抽菸族群致癌機制、檢測及治療的線索,加速癌症精準醫療的實現。除中研院之外,由臺灣大學、臺北醫學大學、臺中榮總提供病人檢體、臨床數據及檢測技術等。研究經費主要來自科技部、中研院及臺灣大學。
#中研院 #化學所 #陳玉如 #癌症登月計畫
#肺癌 #蛋白基因體 #APOBEC #Cell #封面
Two new studies released July 9th, 2020 in Cell unravel the biology of lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) using a suite of molecular techniques that, combined, provide a more complete picture of the disease than ever before. Using a diverse cohort of smokers and non-smokers, male and female, from around the world, researchers from the Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC) and the International Cancer Proteogenome Consortium (ICPC) draw out a clearer understanding of LUAD tumor progression, identify biomarkers, and propose alternative therapeutic targets.
Although strongly associated with smoking, significant populations of never-smokers also develop lung cancer. While never-smokers account for approximately 20% of lung cancer patients in the United States, in Taiwan more than 50% of patients are never-smokers, and many with early onset of the disease. The high number of East Asian LUAD never-smokers presented an opportunity for the ICPC-Taiwan team, led by Drs. Yu-Ju Chen and Pan-Chyr Yang with colleagues from Academia Sinica, National Taiwan University, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan and The Institute of Cancer Research, UK, to take a closer look at the mechanisms of this disease in 103 East Asian patients with a focus on early stage.
🔺More: https://reurl.cc/0o3aAA
#lungadenocarcinoma #LUAD #CPTAC #ICPC #AcademiaSinica #AS #Lungcancer
drs分析 在 中央研究院 Academia Sinica Facebook 的精選貼文
本院細胞與個體生物學研究所陳振輝助研究員及其研究團隊的最新研究成果發現,經由調控特定基因的活性,可以 #改寫再生記憶。當「再生記憶」受到影響後,斑馬魚再生的新尾鰭可以出現不同的大小和形狀。
此突變點位在一個特定的基因「DNA聚合酶阿爾法次單元2(DNA polymerase alpha subunit 2, pola2)」。此基因的活性對細胞遺傳物質的複製分裂有直接的影響。實驗發現,藉由調控pola2的活性,可以有效改寫再生記憶。使成年斑馬魚在受傷後,再生出縮小版的尾鰭或是魚鱗,且被改寫後的再生記憶可以長期穩定存在,控制往後受傷後新生組織的大小與形狀。
#細生所 #陳振輝 #再生記憶 #斑馬魚 #首次證實
From a chemical mutagenesis screen, a research team led by Dr. Chen-Hui Chen at the Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica (Taiwan) accidentally identified a novel zebrafish mutant with defects in positional memory.
They found the mutation can cause tailfins to regenerate with high variability in sizes and shapes. Based on high-resolution genetic mapping and complementation assays, they determined DNA polymerase alpha subunit 2 (pola2) is the mutated gene. The gene activity has a direct impact on blastemal proliferation and size. Through manipulating pola2 activity, they developed an approach to effectively rewrite positional memory. The new memory is able to direct growth of tailfin and scales, even after repetitive injuries.
Through collaboration with Drs. Jr-Kai Yu and Yi-Hsien Su at the Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, they found similar effects upon transient pharmacological disruption of progenitor cell proliferation after head or tail amputation in amphioxus and annelids. There findings suggest that the regulatory mechanisms identified in this study may be evolutionarily conserved across vertebrate and invertebrate species.
📌期刊論文〈Genetic reprogramming of positional memory in a regenerating appendage〉連結:https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(19)31378-8
📌「再生」也可能長歪? 科學界首度證實:動物的再生記憶可被改寫
📌Memorizing regeneration
[中央社]再生記憶可被改寫 中研院發現關鍵調控基因
[中國時報]中研院研究證實 動物再生記憶可被改寫
[聯合報]破除250年假說 中研院發現生物組織的再生記憶可改變
[自由時報]調控特定基因活性 再生記憶可改寫
[國語日報]中研院新發現 調控關鍵基因 可改寫動物再生記憶
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