P.6 Been living in Causeway Bay for a year time, the landlord asked to raise the rent. So we moved again, to Sheung Wan this time, bigger flat and cheaper rent. That was the first time 🐷🐷 had their own room for living!
My Ex always hoped Yobi could give birth of puppies, she just thought what if when we’re home and we open the door, there’ll be a pack welcoming us, that would be definitely amazing. So we planned that seriously, and finally Yobi made it the year end of 2009. I calculated and estimated 30th of Jan 2010 would be the production day, so I requested day off for preparation and planned to assist alike cutting the umbilical cord for the puppies.
We didn’t consult the vet previously and therefore we ain’t know how many puppies inside indeed. We been waiting the whole day, until the late evening, the 1st one. The midnight, the 2nd one. The early morning, the 3rd one. 5am something in the morning, the 4th one, the last one we guessed. Yes, total 4🐷! Miso the sister, Mochi the younger sister, Toro the younger brother, and Momo(black) the youngest sister 🐷🐷🐷🐷
P.6 在銅鑼灣住了一年之後,業主又要加租了,唯有又搬到上環去,地方更大、更便宜,而且🐷🐷可以有自己的房間了!
前度以前都一直在說希望🐷🐷生小🐷s,當我們回家打開門的時候,就會有很多🐷🐷過來歡迎我們,於是便讓Yakult同Yobi意思意思,終於在2009年尾成功了!我計算過日子,應該是30th Jan 2010,在Yobi生小🐷的日子請了假,準備幫小小🐷剪臍帶和清潔,但是等到凌晨、午夜、清晨,肥媽才完成所有小🐷生產!Miso🐷大家姐、Mochi🐷妹妹、Toro🐷細佬、Momo🐷妹妹!
Stay Home Stay Safe & Healthy & Happy!
Wear Mask 😷 Wash Ur Hands 🤲🏻🚿
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living room意思 在 楊桃成熟時 Facebook 的最佳解答
#媽媽們救星 #全港首個 #兒童主題共享學習空間 #學術優閒全包
今次想同大家仲介紹 Qurio Education 橋奧教育 ,佔地1萬5千平方呎, 設有26間主題課室,設中、英、數學班,以小班教學由K2起上堂,我就同桃桃試哂3班喇,講小小感想喇💬
英文班😎由Mr Mike教授
投入度100%,成個課程由讀生字,對話到Phonics 都有涵蓋,仲有story telling,老師全程好鼓勵小朋友嘗試用英文表達意思,加上誇張嘅表情同動作,媽媽都上得好開心呀!
阿桃認中文字好差,兩位老師就以象形字及拆字協助阿桃去認,每堂仲會講一個成語故事,唔知大家有冇留意到有用詞語用紅色標記呢?原來果d詞語正正係升小interview會考嘅字!老師仲會每堂send back番PowerPoint俾家長係屋企同小朋友溫習架
數學班🔢由Mr Andy教授
今堂教圖形,有別出面只係用圖像教學,Mr Andy請阿桃用泥膠砌一個五角形,用實物去教咩叫邊&角,仲用磁石片教立體形狀,當中試左好多次都失敗,阿桃已經冇哂耐性,多得老師鼓勵最後成功完成,反而令阿桃印象更深刻!
而3個班最 impact我嘅係全部老師都好follow阿桃嘅意願,任何問題,都會回應左先,甚至付有d我地覺得錯誤嘅事,老師們都會轉個角度繼續教,好似Mr Andy叫阿桃畫一個十角形,明顯就錯架啦😂但老師叫佢圈哂d角再逐一數,發現只係畫到九隻角,阿桃又自己加多隻,呢個方式唔單止冇打擊到佢,仲學到解決問題嘅方法,更重要係令到佢唔會驚左圖形驚左數學!重點教授21世紀各項高階能力,包括溝通應對、創意思維、明辨性思考、解難能力等等👏仲可以隨時登入橋奧網上免費學習平台,重溫學習內容及進行課後評估,鼓勵小朋友獨立自主學習
The Study 👩🏻🏫 設有獨立座位的自修室,有助高效專注
The Library 📚 過百本定期更新精選兒童讀物,培養孩子閱讀興趣
The Workshop 🎨 手工藝工作坊,讓孩子發揮創意小宇宙
The Zen Room ☯️ 正念舒壓、讓孩子學習放鬆禪室
The Living Room 🧸 與朋友放鬆休息多用途休憩室
另外我最鍾意嘅就係佢地嘅 #功課輔導班,媽媽可以額外放低小朋友3小時,係呢3個鐘入面會有導師協助教導小朋友做功課,亦可以提供名校mock卷俾佢地做,同時亦可以使用中心其他設施舒緩學業壓力😊😊
全港首個兒童主題共享學習空間介紹片段📹: https://bit.ly/2K1aq34
👉🏻 https://wa.me/message/73XMVGBN554TO1
1⃣like and share呢個post
#Qurio #education #Costudyspace #橋奧教育中心 #共享學習空間 #增值課程 #資深導師 #全港最大規模教育中心 #小班教學 #中英數 #網上教學 #補習班 #英文補習班 #中文補習班 #數學補習班 #補習課程 #數理能力 #語文能力 #全科補習 #名校導師 #zoomclass
living room意思 在 曾愷玹 Facebook 的最讚貼文
愷愷的選擇 立冬 19/24 之 橘子磅蛋糕
立 是開始的意思
冬 有結束的意思
這時節 秋天的農作物全部曬收完畢 收入穀倉內 動物也準備冬眠
冷冷的天氣 裹在棉被裡 我也好不想起床
橘子是冬天的國王 是在我的成長過程裡覺得最能夠代表冬天的水果了
而橘子 總是讓我回想到 每年媽媽總是在寒冷的冬天帶著我回外婆家
外婆家的客廳裡 總是少不了橘子
Kai Kai’s Choice: Winter Commences (19/24) and Orange Pound Cake
Winter Commences (Lidong) is the nineteenth solar term of the twenty-four comprising a year.
Li means “to begin,” signaling the approaching winter, whereas dong denotes “to conclude.”
During this period, autumn crops are dried and stored away in the barn and animals prepare for hibernation.
With the cold weather and being wrapped in a blanket, I also really don’t want to get out of bed.
While growing up, I believed that oranges are the fruit which best represents winter—the orange is the king of winter.
They always make me think back to when my mom took me to visit my grandmother’s house in the cold of winter every year.
There were always bound to be oranges in her living room.
Today let’s try a different way to enjoy oranges.
#season #lifestyle #cooking #food
#healing #kaikaischoice #orange #poundcake
#愷愷的選擇 #療癒 #24節氣
#橘子 #磅蛋糕 #オレンジ #パウンドケーキ
#귤 #파운드케이크