✅ 美國開國元勛班傑明.富蘭克林將火雞稱為「美國真正的原住民」,並認為火雞是種「勇猛無畏的鳥類」。
圖說:美國在台協會農業貿易辦事處史安莉組長參加活動利用美國火雞肉來料理經典台菜三杯雞!美國火雞肉 + 經典台菜 = 「美」味在台灣!
🦃【America’s Thanksgiving Table #1 TURKEY】
Celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, Thanksgiving in the United States is a time to gather with family and friends, share a traditional meal and express gratitude for the good things in life. Thanksgiving traces its origins to a three-day harvest celebration held in 1621 in what is now Massachusetts. Local Wampanoag Indians taught English settlers how to survive by growing native crops, hunting and fishing. The settlers invited the Wampanoag to feast on wild turkeys, corn, green vegetables, and dried fruits.
To date, turkey is still the main course at a typical American Thanksgiving dinner. AIT has prepared some fun facts about Turkey to introduce this Thanksgiving tradition with Taiwan friends!
✅The United States is the world’s largest turkey producer, exporter, and per capita consumer of turkey.
✅Minnesota is the top U.S. turkey producing state
✅Each year, about 250 million turkeys are raised on about 2,000 independent farms across the United States.
✅ U.S. Founding Father Benjamin Franklin called the turkey a “true original native of America” and believed the turkey to be a “bird of great courage.”
✅Turkeys have been sent to the White House as gifts to the American President since the 1870s.
Photo caption: AIT’s Agricultural Trade Office Director Emily Scott cooks “Three Cups Chicken” with U.S. turkey meat. U.S. turkey meets one of Taiwan’s favorite dishes!
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過33萬的網紅Bonjour Louis! 我是路易,也在其Youtube影片中提到,[English captions available] 這次金門之旅真的是太好玩啦🤩 這是我第一次參觀了釀酒的過程,去參觀了最古早的釀酒廠,也自己動手試看看釀酒的步驟,這一切對我來說都超有趣 好喜歡可以嘗試新事物又可以光明正大酒醉的工作🤪 金門是一個愜意的小城鎮,單騎機車在路上,就讓我覺得好舒服...
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[#甜點新聞 / News] 奪下亞太區超過半數獎牌,台灣巧克力再度橫掃世界巧克力大賽 / Winning over half of the prizes, Taiwan chocolates and chocolatiers sweep through International Chocolate Awards Asia Pacific Competition (English below)
昨日在屏東縣政府的協辦與支持下,世界巧克力大賽(International Chocolate Awards, 以下簡稱 ICA)亞太區決賽結果於屏東縣立圖書總館發表。#台灣品牌以驚人的氣勢奪下103面_超過半數的獎牌,在 198 個獎項中,拿下共 22 金、32 銀、35 銅與 14 個特別獎。
由於比賽重點為「bean-to-bar」巧克力(從可可豆至巧克力皆在當地生產),而屏東正是台灣可可樹種植面積最大的區域,頒獎典禮在此舉行最為名實相符。屏東巧克力業者們也不負眾望,奪下 7 金、11 銀、9 銅與 8 項特別獎,其中 福灣巧克力 Fu Wan Chocolate 表現最為耀眼,囊括此地區中所有的金獎與特別獎,共7 金、9 銀、4 銅與 8 項特別獎,其中包含黑巧克力類別的最大獎「Best in Competition」(競賽最佳獎)。
今年的亞太區比賽中,最受到矚目的就是「茶」這個元素。台灣是世界知名的茶產地,而台灣的巧克力業者將對茶的了解完美地發揮在巧克力製作中,以技術和品味驚艷了 ICA 的評審。福灣巧克力便以台灣紅玉茶 62% 黑巧克力、台灣紅烏龍 62% 黑巧克力、台灣鐵觀音 62% 黑巧克力、紅烏龍 56% 牛奶巧克力、碳焙烏龍 56% 牛奶巧克力、玫瑰荔枝東方美人 56% 牛奶巧克力、鐵觀音 56% 牛奶巧克力等奪得多項獎項。而以「喫的台灣茶」、「喫的台灣咖非」系列知名的 COFE,今年也大有斬獲,結合水果與茶的「紅烏龍鳳梨」獲得風味白巧克力類金獎與特別獎、「包種茶芒果」獲得銅獎,「碳焙烏龍茶」、「東方美人」也獲得銀獎。COFE 的茶巧克力製成,並非為常見的「將茶粉或茶葉加入巧克力中」,而是「以茶直接取代可可固形物」,再加上可可脂成型。這個概念與技術也在今年獲得特殊肯定,「冷壓可可脂」獲得可可脂、成長中國家、直接交易等三項金獎。
如果你還記得,好食光 Keya Jam 的創辦人柯亞,曾經在我的專訪中提到「#以擔任國際比賽評審的方式_建立台灣自己的論述與評鑑標準」,ICA 比賽便是這個策略最好的實務操作案例。由於台灣的巧克力業者、職人與評鑑專家成功地憑藉專業認證進入評審團中,台灣的特色、風味與希望彰顯的價值便能夠在國際比賽中發揮影響力、進一步影響整個巧克力產業未來發展的軌跡。願台灣的甜點、餐飲產業與專業職人都能和台灣巧克力一樣,成功找到自己的位置、影響並領導世界。
📌 ICA 相關:
2020 年亞太區完整得獎名單:https://tinyurl.com/y33xuj7a
2019 年福灣勇奪 ICA 世界冠軍:https://tinyurl.com/y9gqa8j8
2019 年亞太區台灣獲獎情形:https://tinyurl.com/y4kq46fa
🔖 延伸閱讀:
可以吃的茶和咖啡:拜訪 COFE:https://tinyurl.com/y3ufawte
台灣需要建立自己的論述與評鑑標準——專訪 好食光 Keya Jam 創辦人柯亞:https://tinyurl.com/y67ebplk
「不設限 巧克力」專題:https://tinyurl.com/ydfwqqvh
The award ceremony of International Chocolate Awards Asia-Pacific Bean-to-Bar and Chocolatier Competition took place yesterday (9th October, 2020) in Pingtung, Taiwan. Winning 103 awards, including 22 golds, 32 silvers, 35 bronzes and 14 special awards, which over half of the total 198 ones, Taiwan’s definitely got a glorious victory and starts to occupy an important position in world chocolate scene.
Supported by and collaborated with the Pingtung county government, the competition involved 883 entries of 148 chocolatiers from 14 countries. As specified, this competition features bean-to-bar chocolates and Pingtung, where most of the cocoa plantations are in Taiwan, naturally enjoys an advantage. Chocolatiers from this region have won 7 golds, 11 silvers, 9 bronzes, as well as 8 special awards. Fu Wan Chocolate, the biggest local chocolatier has got 7 golds, 9 silvers, 4 bronzes and 8 special awards.
Tea chocolates is the highlight this year. As Taiwan is renowned for its tea, its chocolatiers have apparently utilised their knowledge, skills and taste about it. Their capability to bring them into full play has definitely impressed the jury. Red Jade Tea 62% dark chocolate, Red Oolong tea 62% dark chocolate, Tie-Guang-Ying 62% dark chocolate, etc., contribute to Fu Wan's triumph. COFE, a brand specialised in tea and coffee chocolates is another example. Instead of adding tea and coffee into chocolate, they replace cocoa solids with tea or coffee, which adds an irresistible and incomparable depth to the products. Their latest series that combines a variety of teas and fruits leads to a great success. The “Red Oolong & Pineapple” white chocolate has won itself 1 gold and 1 special awards.
📌 ICA related:
Asia-Pacific Bean-to-Bar and Chocolatier Competition 2020 winners: https://tinyurl.com/y33xuj7a
Fu Wan Chocolate wins the biggest overall award in 2019 ICA world competition: https://tinyurl.com/y9gqa8j8
Taiwan makes a huge buzz in 2019 ICA Asia-Pacific Competition:https://tinyurl.com/y4kq46fa
🔖 To read more on this topic:
Taiwan could set a new norm of cocoa industry - Interview with Warren Hsu, founder of Fu Wan Chocolate: https://tinyurl.com/y26uucj5
Having tea and coffee in a different form - a visit to COFE: https://tinyurl.com/y3ufawte
Are international contests an elixir to Taiwan’s chefs and artisans? Interview with Joy Cocoa & Coffee Plantation and Jade Li Chocolatier:https://tinyurl.com/yy6w8j6x
The importance of developing Taiwan’s own discourse and evaluation system - Interview with Keya: https://tinyurl.com/y67ebplk
Chocolate, unlimited and boundary-less: https://tinyurl.com/ydfwqqvh
#yingc #yingspastryguide #internationalchocolateawards #taiwanchocolate #taiwan
taiwan fruits in english 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的精選貼文
[Paris pastry shop / 巴黎甜點店] Maison Plume • Pâtisserie (For English, please click "see more")
「有機」、「無麩質」等都是近幾年巴黎飲食界最流行的關鍵詞,不過甜點店要做到「無添加糖」還是比較前衛,Maison Plume 是其中一家。所謂「無添加糖」(sans sucre ajouté)意思是指「不在食材原有的甜味額外加入人工製糖」,所以利用食材本身的甜味、本來就有糖分的水果、果汁等等都是可以接受的。有些號稱「無糖」的店家會使用蜂蜜或是龍舌蘭糖漿等來代替砂糖,但位於巴黎的瑪黑區 Maison Plume 卻在女主廚 Tara Pidoux 的堅持下一概不使用。
這家以淡紫色為主要視覺的甜點店風格雅致,以「plume」(羽毛)為名,更暗示了作品輕盈無負擔的特色。店中所有的甜點從慕斯蛋糕、塔、泡芙、沙布列餅乾等,都使用橢圓形的模具,以符合「羽毛」的整體形狀。當天我和朋友們總共選了三樣甜點:開心果泡芙(Chou Pistache)、香草核桃塔(Plume Vanille-Pécan)、西洋梨杏仁塔(Plume Poire-Amandine),外觀呈現非常細緻美麗,也吃得出選材的用心。最妙的是我的德國朋友在吃了幾口之後,竟然說出所有台灣人都會說的一句話:「嗯,好吃!而且不會太甜!」不過我是覺得有加入西洋梨的那一款因為有水果天然的芳香和甜度,整體比較平衡,我自己點的那一個香草核桃塔因為沒有糖,所以底下的沙布列不夠濕潤、較為乾燥鬆碎,堅果的香氣如果能有多一點糖襯托,會更為明顯。
🔖 延伸閱讀:
Still remember that we’ve discussed “why tasting is needed when having French pastries” several weeks ago? I mentioned that I hope one day “sweet or not” will no longer be a major criteria to judge whether a pastry / dessert is good not for certain people since there’re so many parameters and details to appreciate, such as the visual presentation, match of flavours, the philosophy and creativeness of the chefs, as well as the long history of the development of French pastries as a whole. But I still got lots of feedbacks asking me to recommend where to find the “least sweet” pastries and desserts in Paris. I happened to visit a pastry shop making organic pastries free of sugar and gluten a while ago, so here you are!
“Bio” (organic), “sans gluten” (gluten-free), etc. are some keywords that you can’t miss when you talk about the food scene in Paris in recent years. But it is still quite edgy for a pastry shop to offer pastries free of sugar. Maison Plume is one of the very few of them. “Sugar free” actually means “no sugar added”. Using the natural sweetness of the ingredients, fruits, and juices are a common strategy. Some people might use honey or agave syrup as an alternative sweetener, but at Maison Plume, the female chef Tara Pidoux takes none of them.
Named after “plume” (“feather” in French), Tara makes pastries that are as light as feather. Almost everything is in feather shape, including mouse cakes, tarts, choux pastry, and sablé biscuits, etc. The day when I visited, my friends and I picked the Chou Pistache, Plume Vanille-Pécan, and Plume Poire-Amandine. All of them are very delicate in their presentations and are made with quality ingredients that you could really taste. One interesting thing is, after the first several bites, my German friends announced, “Hmmm, they’re really delicious! Not so sweet!”, just as what we hear all the time in Taiwan. But for me, I actually preferred the Poire-Amandine that is sweet enough, thanks to the pears, to add some depth and layers to the overall taste. The sablé base of the “Plume Vanille-Pécan” that I had was crumbly but a bit dry. The nutty flavour of the pastry could actually be more pronounced if there was a little more sweetness.
Sugar reduction has been a topic of debate, even in France. But I personally think sugar is necessary since we’re talking about desserts and pastries. Sweetness is strongly linked to pleasure, which lays the foundation of the development of pastries and desserts. Proper sweetness could actually bring out the best of many ingredients that might taste plain when sugar is absent, not to mention the fact that sugar is an essential factor to succeed many pastry components, such as meringue. Nevertheless, sugar level control is an art that the taste of customers and opinions and beliefs of pâtissiers have to be taken into consideration as well. Given the rising health concern, the emergence of no sugar pastries and desserts is indeed a wonderful news for many.
Click on the photos and get to know more about the shop and the pastries. Don’t forget to note it down if you’re also opt for low- or no-sugar pastries!
🔖 You might also be interested:
Why "tasting" is needed when we enjoy French pastries: https://tinyurl.com/y54dacbu
How to taste a lemon tart: https://tinyurl.com/y3ht8tt2
Pastries and desserts as artworks: https://tinyurl.com/t62yj2r
#yingspastryguide #paris #maisonplumepatisserie #yingc
taiwan fruits in english 在 Bonjour Louis! 我是路易 Youtube 的最佳貼文
[English captions available]
New video!! I got the chance to visit the island of Kinmen and its factories of Kinmen Kaoliang, a famous liquor from Taiwan!! Over there I got a special bottle that can’t be found in any supermarket, to let my French try this secret liquor!! 🔥💯
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taiwan fruits in english 在 This is Taiwan Youtube 的最讚貼文
[有中文字幕] 我的媽媽吃台灣水果! In this video, I take my mom to a Taiwanese fruit store to buy some exotic and unusual Taiwanese fruit. We then take the fruit back home where she eats it!
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taiwan fruits in english 在 Travel Thirsty Youtube 的最佳貼文
Shaved snow served by Wooly's.
"Shaved snow is a hybrid between shaved ice and ice cream. By taking a block of ice made with low-fat milk, flavors are infused into the blocks before it is frozen, and then shave it very fine to create a texture similar to fresh fallen snow."
Flavors available are Original Leche, Coffee, and Melon. Optional toppings include Strawberry, Blueberry, Coconut Flakes, Mochi, Pocky Sticks, Cookies 'n Cream, Graham Cracker Crumble, Captain Crunch, Fruity Pebbles, Corn Flakes, Sea Salt Leche, Chocolate Drizzle, Whipped Cream, and Strawberry Cream.
"Snow ice"—cream, milk, water, sugar and fruit, frozen and then shaved and served in cones—is popular in Korea, Taiwan and Indonesia and making inroads into the United States.
Brazil - Raspadinha
Bangladesh - Gola
Colombia - Raspado
Costa Rica - Copos and also called Granizado
Cuba - Granizados
Dominican Republic - Frío Frío and also in some parts of the country they are called Yun Yun
El Salvador - Minuta
France - Granite Hawaïen
Guatemala - Granizada but in other parts of the country they are also called Raspado
Guyana - Crush Ice or Snow Cone and are topped with condensed milk.
Haïti - Fresco
Italy - Granita, Grattachecca
India - Chuski
Taiwan - Baobing There is also a version known as snow flake ice which uses shaved frozen milk and other flavors.
Japan - Kakigori
Korea - Patbingsu
Mexico - Raspado, Yuki (only in northern Mexico)
Nicaragua - Raspado
Peru - Raspadilla
Philippines - Halo halo
Puerto Rico - Piragua
Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia - Ais/Es kacang
Pakistan, Baraf ka Gola
Panama - Raspao, often topped with sweetened condensed milk
Suriname - Schaafijs
Thailand - Nam khaeng sai
English and French Caribbean islands - Snowball
Colombia - Raspado or Cholado
USA - Shaved Ice
Honduras - Minuta, often topped with sweetened condensed milk
Mauritius - Glaçon Rapé
Venezuela - Cepillados or Raspados, sweetened with fruit juice, artificial flavors and condensed milk
In Hawaii, "shave ice" is similar to snowballs, and is sold in cone-shaped paper cups. "Rainbow," a popular flavor, consists of three colors of syrup chosen usually for their color rather than their taste compatibility. Commonly, a scoop of vanilla ice cream or sweetened azuki beans is first added to the bottom of the cup and is capped with condensed milk.
Vendors in Texas and northern Mexico serve finely shaved ice desserts. Called a raspa, they are usually sold from a roadside stand or trailer. They come in many flavors, including leche (milk and cinnamon) and picosito (the Spanish word for 'spicy' made with lemon and chili powder.)
The dessert ais kacang served in Malaysia and Singapore is another form of shaved ice. Ais kacang was originally served with red beans but now includes various fruits and other sweet toppings.
In Japan they are known as kakigori, and in India it is called a "gola" and usually served on popsicle sticks.
In Britain the term snow cone has been used for a standard ice cream cone topped with (usually vanilla) ice cream, hence the term snow cone.
In Perú this dessert is called Raspadilla, which is served in cups along with a spoon and/or a straw. It consists in ground ice which is thick and topped with juices of different flavors that can be combined, regularly the most common flavors are pineapple and strawberry juices but it can also be served with berries juice, passion fruit juice (maracuya), chicha morada (purple corn juice), and in some cases but uncommon it can be topped with condensed milk or yogurt. Its very popular in the beaches during summertime, but it also is consumed in the towns and the cities as well. It is sold in carts spread around some streets and avenues of the city, being prepared at the moment (some of them grind the ice in a block with a device or some spoon with a blade like razor in one end, others yet hace the ice already ground stored in a coolerbox) but all of them serve the portion of ice in the cup in front of the customer and then ask which flavor of juice would be poured on top of the ice, then they put a spoon and the straw.
Kala Khatta is a syrup made from the jambul fruit in India and some other parts of South Asia. It is primarily used as a flavoring for Indian ice lollipops or popsicles, sold as street food. Crushed ice is formed into a lump by hand and mounted on a stick to make the lollipop. Kala khatta syrup and seasonings such as salt and pepper are then poured on the lollipop.