能入菜也能入甜點的萬能松露體驗- Maison Balme 松露之家 / What goes best with truffles? Visiting Maison Balme at Printemps du Goût (English below)
年節已過,這幾天開工,不曉得大家是否一切順利、出外都有做好防疫措施?幸好明天又是週末,可以稍微舒緩一下焦慮的心情。法國這幾天因為冠狀性病毒肺炎陸續出現確診病例的緣故(且五例中有四例在巴黎),也是人心惶惶,許多農曆春節的慶祝活動如在中國城、共和國廣場舉辦的舞龍舞獅遊行等皆悉數取消。巴黎春天百貨 Printemps 原本在昨日也有規劃舞龍舞獅的表演(還有Miss France 的共襄盛舉),也因此一併取消了。不過本週末還是有許多如剪紙、點心試吃、印製個人化托特包的活動等會持續舉行,許多品牌也有合作推廣活動。
我趁此機會拜訪了 Maison Balme,一家已經營了四代的法國松露專門品牌(特別是黑松露),並品嚐了他們的各種松露美食。松露鵝肝、火腿、香腸、乳酪、奶油、松露油、松露鹽等應有盡有(還有松露蛋!),不過這些產品都不脫一般人的認知。那麼 #松露蜂蜜 呢?你聽過嗎?
在我的想像中,松露跟鹹食始終比較搭配,甜點或甜食就有點微妙。我過去一向也是對松露沒什麼特殊感覺的人,有些松露如果因為存放不當,甚至會有瓦斯、氨氣味等。但 Maison Balme 的所有松露產品都只有雋永、細緻的淡淡發酵氣味,而松露蜂蜜更是令我驚豔!大家知道有時在製作或品嚐甜點時,會加入一些鹽來提味,讓甜味在對比之下更加明顯,這裡的松露蜂蜜有異曲同工之妙。雖然松露本身並不是鹹的,但是它 #中性厚實的大地芬芳卻為蜂蜜增加了層次感與底蘊,宛如在風中搖曳的花朵找到了土地依憑,柔和的姿態中帶著堅定,非常迷人。那天下午我在大快朵頤各種松露美食之後,還得到了特製的松露蜂蜜可麗餅,大概很難找到比這更完美的收尾了。
很久以前台灣曾經一度吵過「松露巧克力沒有松露」的議題,但在 Maison Balme,你可以找到 #加了真正黑松露的巧克力!可惜我那天已經吃不下,準備留著下次添購伴手禮時再去,順便一起品嚐看看。另外還有黑松露洋芋片,是不是很夢幻呢?
我之前已經和大家介紹過位於春天百貨男裝部七樓的美食館「Printemps du Goût」,這裡不僅有各種 100% made in France 的道地法國美食、極度適合血拼紀念品,許多食品品牌如這次拜訪的 Maison Balme、巴黎知名咖啡品牌 Lomi 等,都有設座位和吧台,可以坐下來品嚐、並享受絕美的巴黎市中心景致(夏天還開放露台)。剛好在巴黎、或是接下來計畫來巴黎遊覽的朋友,不要忘了來這邊逛逛!
接下來就請大家點開照片欣賞,更多影音包括松露蜂蜜可麗餅製作等,可以點以下連結,看我的 Instagram 精選動態(要點到最後喔!):https://tinyurl.com/sjwqp66
🔖 延伸閱讀:
100% 法國製造、100% 巴黎美景的春天百貨美食館 Printemps du Goût:https://tinyurl.com/wrdmcoc
Olive oil, ham, cheese, butter, foie-gras, sausages, pâté en croûte, chocolate…truffles actually add flavour to almost all French gourmet food. But have you ever heard of truffle honey? Oh yes, this rare match does exist and it tastes incredibly good!
I got invited the other day to discover Maison Balme at Printemps du Goût, the gourmet food section of Printemps Haussmann. Having developed for four generations, Maison Balme, a French brand specialising in tuber melanosporum, the so called black truffles or Périgord truffles, is an expert in all kinds of truffle gourmet foods. I wasn’t a fan of truffles and I usually shrink back from the distinctive odour of over-ripened truffles. However, the fresh black truffles and the truffle products that I tasted at Maison Balme that day completely changed my impression. The earthly and musky aroma can be in fact very pleasing, especially when they are infused in oils or paired with right products. I got the chance to taste a bit of everything that day. It was a colourful plate carefully prepared by Benjamin, one of the experts of the shop, that includes truffle ham, sausage, butter, cheese, a salad dressed with truffle oil, as well as truffle honey served as bread dipping or dressing.
Honey and truffles, what an usual but beautiful combination! I was really amazed! For a long time I thought truffles can only go with savoury food, and I’ve never imagined that truffles could actually add depth to the delicate sweetness of honey. After the tasting, Benjamin also made us crêpes dressed with that honey. Ordinary crêpes were transformed to a classy dessert with a simple gesture. I was just wowed.
It was a really delightful experience, plus I love the cozy ambiance and breathtaking view from Printemps du Goût. If you are in town or are planning to visit the city, don’t forget to come over and enjoy a 100% French experience. Collaborating with Printemps du Goût for the celebration of the Lunar New Year, Maison Balme is giving a free truffle chocolate bar to customers who spend more than 75€ at the brand. If you’re not a sweet tooth, the black truffle chips could be as tempting.
Other interesting activities and events of the Lunar New Year celebration at Printemps will take place this weekend. Don’t forget to check them out if you happen to be around. More photos and videos of my visit, check my Instagram featured story here: https://tinyurl.com/sjwqp66
🔖 More about Printemps du Goût and what it has to offer: https://tinyurl.com/wrdmcoc
#yingsparisguide #PrintempsduGoût #MaisonBalme #truffes #松露 #春天百貨慶春節
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[Paris pastry shop / 巴黎甜點店] #巴黎最古老的甜點店 Stohrer / The oldest pastry shop in Paris - Stohrer, la plus ancienne pâtisserie de Paris (for English, please click "see more")
還記得上次我跟大家介紹過「巴巴」(baba)嗎?1725 年,巴巴的發明人 Nicolas Stohrer 跟著 Stanisław Leszczyński 老國王的女兒瑪麗一起到達巴黎,瑪麗嫁給路易十五(Louis XV),Stohrer 則在宮廷中待了五年。1730 年,他在巴黎市中心的 Rue Montorgueil 上開了一家甜點店,販賣自己的拿手作品,這家店與他的甜點從此便成為巴黎的傳奇。
Stohrer 屹立不搖近三個世紀,是全球甜點迷朝聖的景點之一。華麗的店內裝潢是法國十九世紀後半的精品,由第二帝國(le Second Empire)時期最具盛名的畫家 Paul Baudry 的學生設計。Paul Baudry 同時也是巴黎伽尼葉歌劇院(Opéra de Paris)的室內裝飾設計者。Stohrer 的經典如甜點巴巴、愛之泉(Puits d'amour)等一直受到愛戴直至今日。愛之泉是英國女王伊麗莎白二世(Elizabeth II)的最愛,女王曾在未事先通知的狀況下親自到訪 Stohrer 品嚐甜點,為老店的魅力更添一筆。
如今的 Stohrer 已非 Nicolas Stohrer 的後人經營,2017 年由巴黎最早的巧克力店 À la Mère de Famille 買下,現在由 Jeffrey Cagnes 擔任甜點主廚。Jeffrey 主廚在二度回到 Stohrer 之前,曾經擔任 Casse Noisette 的主廚,而後者的店址如今正是由 Cedric Grolet 主廚的新店 Cédric Grolet Opéra 接手。
點開照片,一起來感受老店 Stohrer 的迷人之處!
🔖 延伸閱讀:
Still remember that we've talked about "Baba", a classic French pastry that has been revisited a lot and modernized in non-alcoholic and even Japanese dorayaki versions? Nicolas Stohrer, the inventor of Baba, followed Marie Leszczyński, daughter of the former King of Poland Stanisław Leszczyński, to Paris in 1725 and then opened his own shop on 51 Rue Montorgueil 5 years later. He named the shop after his own family name Stohrer. The shop and his wonderful pastries thus become a legend ever since.
Almost 300 years have passed since the shop is founded. Stohrer is now a mecca for many pastry lovers around the world. Its lavish interior decoration was designed by a student of Paul Baudry, one of the most famous painter during the Second French Empire. Paris Opera house is one of his most renowned works. Stohrer's classic pastries such as Baba and Puits d'amour are still loved by many. Queen Elizabeth II of UK is one of the biggest fans of Puits d'amour. The story that the Queen has visited the shop without advanced notice and enjoyed this delicacy adds more charm to this legendary shop.
Stohrer is no longer owned by the descendants of its founder. It was bought by the family Dolfi, the owner of À la Mère de Famille, the oldest chocolat shop founded in 1761 in Paris. Jeffrey Cagnes is the current chef pâtissier, who once headed Casse Noisette before returning to Stohrer, where he had worked for many years. (The old address of Casse Noisette is now taken over by the chef Cédric Grolet for his own pâtisserie-boulangerie to open in 18th November this year.)
Click on the photos and let's have a visit together to this much celebrated pastry shop!
🔖 You might also be interested:
Baba, a French pastry classic: https://tinyurl.com/y5hhqllq
"Paris for the Sweet Tooth", my Paris pastry shop digital guide: https://tinyurl.com/yxoee6ey
Revisiting classics, the fountain of youth secret of French pastries: https://tinyurl.com/y4ua84fu
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🛍🛒 最好的巴黎紀念品哪裡買?/ Where to get the best Paris souvenirs? (for English, please click "see more")
本週除了品嚐到 Yann Couvreur 主廚的六款聖誕節蛋糕創作、差點被那隻慵懶的狐狸萌死外(還沒看到?記得點我的粉絲頁看上一篇、或是去Instagram看我的精選動態!),還有一件事讓我非常開心,那就是提早選購了給我和朋友的聖誕節禮物!😍🎁🛍
這幾個月不斷有朋友來拜訪我,大家都在問到底在哪裡可以一次選購好合適的巴黎紀念品。我以前比較常去的是左岸的Bon Marché,但因為交通關係實在太難到達,近來發現另外一個離我家更近、也超級市中心的好所在,就是大家也很熟悉的春天百貨 Printemps 。春天百貨規劃了兩層樓的美食天堂 Printemps du Goût,頂樓八樓是餐廳、Michalak 甜點店、有機蔬果店、魚肉海鮮、肉舖等, 還有可以看到鐵塔、歌劇院、奧斯曼建築的超豪華露天陽台,夏天的時候簡直一位難求。七樓則完全獻給想要一網打盡法國禮品、紀念品的朋友,還有高級起司店、巧克力店等。
我第一次去的時候先是發現商品種類非常齊全,不管是茶、咖啡、巧克力、點心、果醬、抹醬、蜂蜜、罐頭、麵食、醃漬食品、鵝肝醬、酒等什麼都有,甚至還有我最愛的食譜書區!最棒的是,#所有商品都是「#MadeInFrance」,是貨真價實的高品質法國製造,超級適合來巴黎旅遊玩的旅客、或是要從巴黎帶給親友紀念品的人。而且他們非常貼心,知道很多人會想要帶法國果醬、橄欖油、罐頭等回家,但常常因為太重而忍痛放棄,所以特別規劃了一個「Les Minis」迷你專區。
驚喜之下我沒隔幾天立刻又去了一次,這次直接搬了一個大禮包回家,提早準備好自己和朋友的聖誕節禮物😆 (點照片可以看到我到底裝了些什麼)春天百貨的國際公關經理特別跟我說,現在他們正在提供優惠活動給持有 JCB 信用卡的顧客,用 JCB 刷卡滿 50€,就送抹茶榛果抹醬一罐、或是免費在該樓的香檳吧品嚐香檳一杯;滿 100€ 則可以得到一個春天百貨特別設計的托特包、或是 #春天百貨自己養蜂場出產的正宗巴黎蜂蜜!可惜我沒有 JCB 卡只能殘念,但如果大家有來巴黎玩,要記得使用它!(幫大家找到活動訊息頁面:https://tinyurl.com/y2ra4lw5)
點照片看更多資訊 👇
Besides tasting the chef Yann Couvreur's wonderful Christmas creations, one of the most exciting things this week is definitely to get my Christmas gifts shopping done.
I have recently found that #Printemps Haussmann, one of the most prestigious department stores in Paris, has launched their gourmet section, #PrintempsDuGoût and has dedicated entire two floors to it. The top floor (8th) is occupied by restaurants, bars, shops of organic vegetables, fish and seafood, etc. while the 7th floor is a luxury grocery store where you could find the best souvenirs to bring home together with your Paris trip memories.
A huge selection of teas, coffees, chocolates, jams, conservatives, condiments, sauces, spreads, biscuits, foie-gras, oils, etc. are beautifully lined on the shelves. Even books dedicated to French gastronomy are available. Everything is made in France so you don't need to worry to get a Paris souvenir that's actually made elsewhere in the world. "Les Minis" section provides a selected range of products in their mini-form to help travellers who want to reduce their luggage weight.
I was so excited upon discovering it so I went there twice in the past week, and the second time just to get my Christmas shopping done. I was informed that JCB card is now collaborating with Printemps du Goût. Customers who shop with JCB cards for more than 50€ will be offered a jar of matcha praliné spread or a glass of champagne (to be enjoyed at their champagne bar), a Printemps tote bag or a jar of honey made right from Printemps own urban bee farms. Too bad that I don't have one, but it should be noted for those who have a JCB card and are visiting Paris!
Click on the following photos to learn more about my experience at Printemps du Goût!
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2022年6月22日 — #yingspastryguide #yingsparisguide #pastryshop #stohrer #paris #yingc. Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎. about 3 years ago. ... <看更多>
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巴黎春天百貨Printemps 原本在昨日也有規劃舞龍舞獅的表演(還有Miss France 的共襄盛舉),也因此一併取消了。不過本週末還是有許多如剪紙、點心試吃、印製個人化托特包的 ... ... <看更多>