1. [星期六Patreon會公開 Core List]成堆都新高喎。費馬最後定理添呀,我甚至唔夠位放埋Microsoft 同SPGI.似乎應該換部大啲嘅手機。
月頭訂最抵!2021比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1800人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
2. 但根本完全唔難,你見我年頭講到年尾都係嗰十幾廿隻,Shopify早排先買(一買就摸頂添,然後好似跌咗3%,有讀者PM問我點算喎),Paypal可能少啲講。但其他嗰堆,日講夜講啦,你睇我講Facebook Google ASML,每隻都至少十次。
3. Nike少啲,「比較敏感」,同埋表現冇上面嗰啲咁好,之前跑輸大市的,我就再之前已經買,有啲讀者就新疆棉飛入去,咁勇者有回報啦。咁我梗係想讀者好過我啦,唔通想人地個個輸錢咩。
4. 至於愛馬士都成日講啦,「你幫我填埋句對白啦」。係喎,我使唔使要用過愛馬士袋先可以買佢股票?
5. 咁我用咗廿幾年Excel有資格講Microsoft啦啩?定要考返個咩MCP MCSE先叫有資格(原來都遠古年代嘅嘢)?定要識VBA先(我居然係識的,金融分析員嘛)?超,砌機嗰嗰發咗達未?
6. 咁你話,扯,有幾難?個市都(差不多)新高啦。你啲嘢新高有幾出奇?
7. 冇錯!但,就係咁架咋,我唔會話你知我年年跑贏大市十幾廿巴仙喎(你信有啲咁嘅嘢?)。咪跑贏些少,已經好勁,運滯時咪跑輸些炒,埋單可能叫好過指數少少,已經好夠
8. 因為,絶大多數人,連呢少少都做唔到。
9. 唔係話乜,今年美股市況都係遠比我想像中易玩,5%調整都冇,極之易坐。但都有人居然可以冇乜錢賺,甚至輸錢,咁你就檢討下啦。真的。居然有人連2/3月(今年!唔係舊年)嗰啲市況都話叫救命,未免功力太低了。感覺係隻船未開你都暈船浪呀,坐去南極你點算? (或者:褲都未除已經派報紙,都未使拓也哥張開口)
10. 至於港股,固然差。但畀你估下,恒指年初至今,跌咗幾多?答案係:零。打個和。亦即係,如果你輸錢嘅,就幾有問題。人人話恒指廢,咁你跑輸恒指,係乜?Some hate the English. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are COLONIZED by wankers. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized BY.
11. 其實呢個Post 真係 not meant to be 廣告,但,訂我Patreon吧。唔包你個個月有理文化工746 ASML 之類(神仙咩),但,至少幫減少好多錯誤。Loser’s game 嘛(所以CFA都係要考),好多人根本係自爆。投資係衞生波,唔係溫布頓,你唔使咩技巧高超開A屎波狂抽底線乜鬼,你好簡單咁回到波,開波唔好落網,已經贏到大部份人。因為大部份人係指數都跑輸輸嘅,但以為自己「我唔貪心,六個月升一倍就夠架啦」。
12. 仲有,下星期六731黃昏,同HomeBlogger在尖沙嘴有個講座,收費的,鍾意拎埋本書嚟簽名合照題字都得。名額有限(限聚呀),講下半年投資部署,第度唔公開,當然見真人,同埋你可以預先整兩條問題過嚟。事後亦可重溫(當然都係要收費)。
13. 簡介呢度 https://bityl.co/7zEF
14. 報名呢度 https://bityl.co/7zEG
月頭訂最抵!2021比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1800人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
同時也有32部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅七王,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Slap Fight is a 1986 vertically scrolling shooter arcade video game originally developed by Toaplan and published by Taito. Set on the colonized ficti...
colonized 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最佳解答
#Opinion by Kevin Carrico 凱大熊|"To help the world stand together with Hong Kong, Hong Kong should stand together with the colonized and oppressed people of East Turkestan: the Hong Kong Uyghur Human Rights Concern Group is significant not only for raising awareness about this unfolding genocide, but also for overcoming the ideological lures that hinder the city’s ability to resist and overcome CCP hegemony."
Read more: https://bit.ly/3tp2EC1
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colonized 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最讚貼文
呢度啲讀者都係有啲奇怪,叫平嘢又話劣食都評一餐(有逼你睇?況且,邊個話係食評?)。叫貴嘢又話嘩你渡假呀(同上)。所以有時都係寫股票好,雖然寫股票都係咁,嘩,寫Facebook 寫Apple 使撚你寫咩,我都識(咁退咗休未?)。寫偏門嘢又,嘩,寫埋啲垃圾股。
嘩,嘩,嘩。寫KFC又話 咁都寫一餐,食米芝蓮三星又話 屌你貼埋啲嘢咁貴好離地喎,想點?
咁登登,其實都講過啦,古語有云,FILTH, Fail in London, Try Hong Kong.同樣地,Trainspotting咁(*)。FIHTW,Fail in Hong Kong, Try Taipei
另外,上次食過腸粉,相當不錯。今次冇得叫,唔知時間唔啱定係冇做外賣定已經唔做。仲有,午餐晚餐時間仲有小炒呀 燒味飯呀 牛河呀之類。
(*)Some people hate the English, I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are colonized by wankers. We can't even find a decent culture to be colonized by.
月頭訂最抵,Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100蚊唔使,4個月已800人訂!(https://bityl.co/4Y0h) #ivanliresearch #台北隔離十四天
colonized 在 七王 Youtube 的最佳解答
Slap Fight is a 1986 vertically scrolling shooter arcade video game originally developed by Toaplan and published by Taito. Set on the colonized fictional planet of Theron in the future, where an alien race led by Gaudy have invaded the human-controlled location, players assume the role of an Allied League of Cosmic Nations (ALCON) fighter pilot taking control of the SW475 space fighter craft in a effort to counterattack the invaders. Initially launched for the arcades, the game was later ported to other microcomputer and console platforms by various third-party developers, with each one featuring several changes or additions compared to the original release.
Slap Fight proved to be popular for Toaplan among arcades players despite a low number of arcade boards manufactured in Japan, however it was met with mixed reception from video game magazines across western regions, specifically the home conversions. Although it never received a direct sequel, the game's ideas and weapon system were later inherited by both Truxton and Grind Stormer, with the latter being regarded as its spiritual successor. The rights to the title are owned by Tatsujin, a Japanese company formed by Masahiro Yuge.

colonized 在 Shiney Youtube 的精選貼文
เดดสเปช 3 (Dead Space 3) พากย์ไทย แปลไทย
Dead Space 3 is a survival horror action-adventure video game developed by Visceral Games and published by Electronic Arts. Announced at E3 2012 and released internationally in February 2013,[2] it is the sequel to Dead Space 2 and the third main entry in the Dead Space series.
In Dead Space 3, Isaac Clarke teams up with EarthGov Sergeant John Carver as they travel to Tau Volantis, an ice-covered planet, to end the Marker and Necromorph threat for good.
Development of the game began after the completion of Dead Space 2. It is the only game in the Dead Space series to feature online co-op.
The game received positive reviews from game critics upon release; reviewers praised the game's rewarding action gameplay, although criticism was directed at the focus on action over horror, as well as a weak and unfocused story compared to its predecessors. Despite poor sales, EA and Visceral expressed interest in a sequel. However, Visceral Games was shut down in 2017, and no confirmation that a new installment in the series is being developed by another studio.
Like the other titles in the Dead Space franchise, Dead Space 3 takes place in the 26th century. Mankind has colonized the stars but is in desperate search of new energy sources. One potential method was found in the Chixulub crater on Earth: an extraterrestrial artifact, dubbed the "Black Marker", which produces a constant electromagnetic field in defiance of the law of conservation of energy. Though human scientists hoped to harness the Black Marker for its unlimited energy potential, they soon discovered that the purpose of its field is to re-animate and mutate dead flesh, resulting in outbreaks of "Necromorphs". EarthGov immediately shut down the project, but a number of Red Markers, reverse-engineered copies of the Black Marker, had already been created and needed to be hidden; even worse, one of the project's lead researchers, Michael Altman, went public with it, promising that the Markers were sent to "make us whole" through a process called "Convergence". A religious movement, Unitology, seeks the Markers in the hopes of unlocking salvation. Isaac Clarke (Gunner Wright), the protagonist of the franchise, has already survived two outbreaks of Necromorphs, as chronicled in the first two installments of the series. He is joined in this game by Ellie Langford (Sonita Henry), who also survived the second game, as well as two EarthGov soldiers, Capt. Robert Norton (Robert Gant) and Sgt. John Carver (Ricardo Chavira), in an attempt to end the Necromorph threat once and for all.

colonized 在 Shiney Youtube 的精選貼文
เดดสเปช 3 (Dead Space 3) พากย์ไทย แปลไทย
Dead Space 3 is a survival horror action-adventure video game developed by Visceral Games and published by Electronic Arts. Announced at E3 2012 and released internationally in February 2013,[2] it is the sequel to Dead Space 2 and the third main entry in the Dead Space series.
In Dead Space 3, Isaac Clarke teams up with EarthGov Sergeant John Carver as they travel to Tau Volantis, an ice-covered planet, to end the Marker and Necromorph threat for good.
Development of the game began after the completion of Dead Space 2. It is the only game in the Dead Space series to feature online co-op.
The game received positive reviews from game critics upon release; reviewers praised the game's rewarding action gameplay, although criticism was directed at the focus on action over horror, as well as a weak and unfocused story compared to its predecessors. Despite poor sales, EA and Visceral expressed interest in a sequel. However, Visceral Games was shut down in 2017, and no confirmation that a new installment in the series is being developed by another studio.
Like the other titles in the Dead Space franchise, Dead Space 3 takes place in the 26th century. Mankind has colonized the stars but is in desperate search of new energy sources. One potential method was found in the Chixulub crater on Earth: an extraterrestrial artifact, dubbed the "Black Marker", which produces a constant electromagnetic field in defiance of the law of conservation of energy. Though human scientists hoped to harness the Black Marker for its unlimited energy potential, they soon discovered that the purpose of its field is to re-animate and mutate dead flesh, resulting in outbreaks of "Necromorphs". EarthGov immediately shut down the project, but a number of Red Markers, reverse-engineered copies of the Black Marker, had already been created and needed to be hidden; even worse, one of the project's lead researchers, Michael Altman, went public with it, promising that the Markers were sent to "make us whole" through a process called "Convergence". A religious movement, Unitology, seeks the Markers in the hopes of unlocking salvation. Isaac Clarke (Gunner Wright), the protagonist of the franchise, has already survived two outbreaks of Necromorphs, as chronicled in the first two installments of the series. He is joined in this game by Ellie Langford (Sonita Henry), who also survived the second game, as well as two EarthGov soldiers, Capt. Robert Norton (Robert Gant) and Sgt. John Carver (Ricardo Chavira), in an attempt to end the Necromorph threat once and for all.

colonized 在 Colonize Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster 的相關結果
1a transitive + intransitive : to take control of a people or area especially as an extension of state power areas colonized by European powers ... ... <看更多>
colonized 在 colonized - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果 的相關結果
colonize · vt. 將……開拓(或建立)為殖民地;移(民)於殖民地 · vi. 開拓殖民地;移居於殖民地 ... ... <看更多>
colonized 在 COLONIZED在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 的相關結果
colonized 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. past simple and past participle of colonize 2. to send people to live in and govern another…。了解更多。 ... <看更多>